Sunday, December 02, 2007


Learning the wrong lesson

After I got back from Washington D.C., I planned to take a little time off, then changed my mind and thought I'd jump right back in and work on getting ready for the Indy 500 Mini-marathon next May. Instead I ate poorly and didn't run for two weeks. Then I ran five miles on a Sunday morning and followed it up with Burger King for breakfast. Delicious, sure, but hardly the ambitious training program I claimed I'd be starting in my last blog post.

Then again I did no running and ate poorly for the following week, bringing me to Sunday 11/18 and the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot 10k. Here, after eating a "Super-Size Me" diet and running 5 whole miles in the previous three weeks, I set a new personal best of 47:38 for the 10k distance. The morning of the race I was almost hoping for a very poor time to kick-start me back into working out, and instead I ran really well.

I followed that up with doing the exact same thing (too much food, no running) for the next two weeks. *Now* I'm going to get started working out and putting in those cold, wet, windy, uncomfortable, boring workouts that will pay off months from now. Next week brings an 8k and a chance at bragging rights - I have raced a former co-worker twice this year, splitting the two races. This will be our last chance to race each other so I've got to go hard to avoid being embarrassed. We'll see.

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