Sunday, November 04, 2007


2007 Recap

First post in a year - here's what's happened: In January, Heather and I ran the Walt Disney World half marathon, then the next day I ran the WDW full marathon. Do them both and it's called the "Goofy Race and a Half Challenge." Then I took some time off running. Then in March I ran the LaSalle Bank Shamrock Shuffle (8k) and set a PR, then got injured later that week and had to go easy for a while. In April I ran a 10k, again a PR, and didn't get injured.

During this time I was training for the Green Bay Marathon in the middle of May. Two weeks before that race was the Indy 500 Festival Mini-Marathon, which I ran with Jill and Ryan (Mom & Dad and Heather's Dad also ran). Fortunately that half marathon came two weeks before Green Bay, when I was scheduled to run the half distance anyway. It was a tough day (we walked some as it got warm and a little humid) but we all finished together.

Two weeks later at Green Bay the weather was windy and cool to cold. I wore long sleeves the entire race and running tights for the first 5 or 6 miles. I paced well and finally reached my goal of a sub-four-hour marathon, another PR. Then I took more time off. In July I ran my first 5k, a run for the Chicago White Sox Charites which finished inside U.S. Cellular Field (New Comiskey Park). Later that month, Heather's Dad and I ran the San Francisco half marathon. We ran along the waterfront and Fisherman's Wharf before crossing and re-crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, then finishing in Golden Gate Park.

After returning from the west coast I regrouped, then began training for my fall event, the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington D.C. Just as I began the high-mileage phase of the training I injured my left IT band (which runs down the outside of the leg) and had to not only take two weeks off but also return to running very gradually. Earlier in the year my Green Bay preparation included runs of 17, 18, 20 (twice) and 22.5 miles, this time I was only able to do a couple of 15-milers and an 18.5. However my leg gave me no problems during the race, and even with a hilly course I was able to run my third-best marathon (just over 4:13).

For my fall race I also ran to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and while I did not reach my fundraising goal the support and encouragement I received out on the MCM course made me want to run with LLS again next year.

So what's next? Next year's Indy 500 Mini-Marathon is almost exactly 6 months away. I was originally planning on some casual fitness and running during the winter, then ramping up at the start of February with the goal of improving my half-marathon PR from 1:49 to 1:39. However after watching the US Olympic Marathon trials this past weekend I'm ready to start preparing now. I will update here once I solidify a training plan, plus I'll post any event results I have.

Joel's 2007 Results

WDW Half Marathon - 1/6/07, 3:13:29
WDW Full Marathon - 1/7/07, 4:44:30
Shamrock Shuffle 8k - 3/25/07, 39:44
Wrigley Start Early 10k - 4/21/07, 47:52
Indy Mini (half) Marathon - 5/5/07, 3:02:06
Green Bay Marathon - 5/20/2007, 3:57:44
Chicago White Sox / Nike+ 5k - 7/14/07, 22:31
San Francisco Half Marathon - 7/29/07, 1:53:14
Marine Corps Marathon - 10/28/07, 4:13:24

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